Today is a great day. It's funny how no matter what's going on in the world, the economics of the country, or the risk we run of losing our very own jobs...one great moment can change your perspective and make things seem tolerable again.
As some of you know, Brian and I have been going through the "first time home buyers club initiation" for the past 6 MONTHS. We began very shortly after we moved to the Great Smoky Mountains of Western North Carolina last January from sunny and crazy Tampa, Florida.
Everyone that we initially spoke to about how the process would be, warned us that it could be difficult and sometimes horribly frustrating.
In spite of that, we held true to our undying optimism and stepped onto the ice of chance with wild abandon. Since that step, we have naivley fallen through the ice, contracted frostbite, been admitted to ICU, rowed back to the start, Sprung a leak in the boat, were stranded on a glacier, camped out in a polar bear cave, climbed an ice covered mountain and are now standing cold and shaken at what seems to be the downhill slope. Analogy overload noted.
Though I have not yet experienced childbirth, I believe the process could be directly compared in the respect of never wanting to do it again until the pain subsides and over time you forget about the misery you went through to have something so special introduced to your life.
Brian and I have been moving separately for many, many years. Since our meeting in 2005 We have each moved an additional 4 times and those were from state to state and state to state again.
Needless to say, We have made it through the darkness known as securing financing in a recession and are now so excited about this opportunity to finally have a nest in which our lives can rest in for at least a few years until we give in to our instinctive nomadic personalities.
We are also anticipating the wonderful visits we can host, now having space to accommodate and living in such a favorable area for year round interests, especially for those who love the outdoors and natural wonder. We feel like we are getting a vacation home, and sometimes it's hard to believe that the beauty that surrounds us everyday is ours for as long as we want to take it in.
All of that being said, we officially own a piece of this historic part of the country, a piece of our very own mountain - Called West Piney Mountain. At the moment our lot of land is being leveled and cleared to our exact desires by a wonderfully simple southern couple who own their own Grading business and are so down to earth they exist below sea level. Today, the wife; smiling and looking as excited for me as if she had known me forever; offered up many recommendations for plants and trees that would fit best in my area, how to use the leftover tree mulch from the clearing, and about how friendly my new neighbors would be. She reminded me of how blessed we are for searching to simplify our lives and enjoy life again in a low maintenance way and how much I missed southern hospitality and charm while living in Florida.
We hope you will all join us on this special journey, I will be providing pictures along the way and updates on the progress of our adventures in home building now that we have battled the banks in this difficult time in the economy and won! Or at least for now. Our soaring expectations, though never crushed, have been placed on standby until we make it across the finish line of our Final Closing after construction is complete.
Looking forward to following the two of you on this journey to home ownership. Can't wait to watch it develop!
Hey, I am sitting here @ 6:30 am in class, so what better time to read your blog. Looks like everything is going your way and I have and will be pulling for your success the whole journey. I know your there
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